Medical Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MCBT)

Dr. Prasanna Yelnadu

MD, LMCC, CCFP (Family Medicine), Fellow, Medical Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

What is Medical Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (MCBT)?

Medical CBT is a clinically proven behavior therapy and is a form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effected for a range of problems including clinical depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems and various psychiatric disorders.

What can MCBT help with?

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Phobias
  • Acute Stress
  • Coping with Mental Illness
  • Stress Management
  • Substance Abuse Disorder
  • ADHD
  • Chronic Pain
  • PTSD

What do MCBT visits look like?

  • Medical CBT sessions are between 1 to 2 hours long and treatment can last anywhere between 16-20 sessions.
  • Goal Directed – Goals are set early within CBT and worked towards through therapy.
  • Collaborative – The patient and Physician work together to achieve change.
  • Time Limited – There is always an end goal with CBT.
  • Structured – An agenda is set at the beginning of each session and there is a structure to therapy.
  • It involves doing tasks outside of the session to help you learn new skills.


What are the techniques/ tools used in MCBT?

  • 26 Tools of Persuasion
  • 26 Tools of Therapeutic Alliance
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
  • ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
  • Cognitive Restructuring
  • Systematic Desensitization
  • Unhooking Thoughts
  • Metacognition
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
  • Maturity Coaching
  • Cognitive Illusions
  • Thought Record
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Psychoeducation
  • Stress Management
  • Breathing Exercises

*Please take note that a referral from a Family Physician is needed for MCBT. Referral Form is downloadable here: MCBT Referral Form



+1 780-250-2401
1230 91 St SW #101, Edmonton, AB T6X 0P2, Canada
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